jueves, enero 10, 2008

New adventures of Pa$how

We want to announce to every readers of The Monserga of Football in the Caribbean Islands that the Greatest Colombia´s Smokeseller, Pashow Maturana, is almost confirmed as New Coach of Trinidad and Tobago.
This gentleman was reccommended because his skin similar to the local people (dark-blue grading to black) and because their knowledge of the philosophy of the most ancient masters of football. He apparently said once: "If you lose you won a bit", which is very convenient for this small and poor nation, as they used to lost more than win in football. Remember that they qualified for the last World Cup because their big milk (?), finishing 4th in a CONCACAF group full of dead teams and players and later winning to Bahrein in the Re-fishing (?).

Run, Pashow, Run!

We want to congratulate to all our readers in Trinidad and Tobago (Hello, Dwight! (?)), as we think than after their experience with Pashow the local football blogs will increase strongly. Besides, if something goes wrong, you can use Mr Pashow as dentist anyway, replacing the lack of medical professionals on those islands.

And for the Trinidad & Tobago Powerful DIM supporters (?), we want to congratulate too, because soon you will have a beautiful project called "Ball Dreams".

15 comentarios:

  1. Believe or NOT!!!

    This is totally incredible!!!!!

    Good Luck Pashow...

    "If you Lose, you win a bit"

    This dude always win bit by bit... of course losing and losing.

  2. le salio muy buena carlos

  3. If Colombia fails in going to the world cup, I'm going to be fanatic of Pashow T&T.

  4. Hahahahaha!

    Que le vaya very well a Pashow. Porque si no, en la mmitad de las eliminatorias nos lo ponen de candidato para reemplazar a George Louis Paint (?)

  5. Maturana pasó de estafar clubes y selecciones a paises enteros, la plata que le van a deber será mayor que la deuda externa (?) de T&T.

  6. Excellent post, mr. IATC (?)

    Yo sólo quiero decir que no es George Louis Paint, sino George Louis Dot (?).

  7. No seria como: George Louis Páinted

  8. Balls Dream???? Ha.. Suena a titulo de porno barato

  9. Maturana? Colombia still exporting their greatest goods!
    Saludos, YSEC

  10. No debería ser George Louis I Paint?

  11. Exactamente, la traducción de Felipe Arias es la adecuada.

    Si ven, de todo se aprende por aquí!

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. ohh..god... new adventures??? WTF??? i wanna know who's the this motherfucker man's guardian Angel, I guess, ¿ how can somebody think that a man like that would be coach, in T & T they have not satelital tv??? dont they watchs some news??, dont they watchs some soccer games?? dont they know about his failures???

    Poor guys... they´ll be an un-tooth soccer players...

  14. This reminds me the bilingual section from EL COLOMBIANO newspapper. I´ve been considering to create another blog that is actually my current blog, but this time in English, but I couldn´t do that because of the time and brain-wasting.

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